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Competitive exams are like a positive push for students towards their excellence. These exams provide very good support to the student by offering scholarships also. It’s always the rewards that keep you going in a positive direction towards your goals. Preparing for competitive exams helps in finding out the scholastic talent in students. It is about helping your child be the best. It builds up a positive spirit among students and gives ambition and motivation to students. The main aim of the competitive exam is to improve intellectual, logical skills and reasoning capabilities among students. Most of these competitive exams are a combination of aptitude and subject knowledge.


  1. NTSE-National Talent Search Examination

  2. HBBVS– Dr. Homi Bhabha Bal Vaigyanik Spardha

  3. NSO–National Science Olympiad

  4. IMO–International Mathematics Olympiad

  5. NCO–National Cyber Olympiad

  6. IAIS– International Assessment for Indian Schools

  7. Maharashtra Talent Search Exam

  8. MSCE Pune Scholarship PUP (Class 5th) and PSS (class 8th)

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